After the trip to Castle, I got pretty sick, Kaiya and I didn't climb much at all during the week, then I finally made it out to LCC on Thursday to check to see if Spinal Twist was dry. I need a hard project to motivate me to train a bit more enthusiastically for a while. Been slackin' yo! It was, and I climbed at the Gate Boulders alone while 30 people were less than a mile down the road at the Secret Garden...lazy SLCers. I managed to do all but a couple of problems, but I did a 6, two 8's and a 10 in a couple hours in the Darkroom. We went back out with Ben Spannuth and Ryan Young on Saturday after Kaiya got off of work, and my sister from Jackson showed up also. I managed to send the last worthwhile thing at the Gate(besides Spinal Twist), a super sick linkup/eliminate that links one V8 into the other, called Pro Series. I shot some photos of Ben and Ryan, as well as some of Kaiya on Shingles Stand.
Ryan Young on Twisted
Ben Spannuth, Lance's Dihedral
Ryan on Lance's
Ben came really close to sending Shingles, he ended up sticking the big move a few times only to pop off on the in-swing.
They are both psyched to come back, Ben to head up to Castle to send Green in the Face, he fell off the 2nd to last move on his last day there before driving down here to Salt Lake. Ryan was pretty close to doing Bully, here he is sticking the big left hand move with relative ease.
Ryan Young, Bully
Kaiya finally picked out a ring that she really wants, and that is in the mail, I will post some photos of that and us really soon, some nice romantical shots up in LCC and around Salt Lake...very soon