I will probably post less photos and video here, this will be a place for photos, musing, rants about certain parts of climbing that I cannot stand, and general updates that seem a little too demure for the pages of CI.
I wanted to start the year on a good note, by sending some projects in Riggins Idaho. I have been climbing there for almost a decade now and it will always hold a special place in my heart. I learned what real bouldering was there, finding, cleaning and sussing out new lines, building landings, and through the whole process failing. A LOT. I have had the privilege this entire time to be supported by one of the coolest guys in the industry, Josh Helke. Josh is a regular guy who just happens to make the best crashpads on the planet. You can check out his website here. Organic pads have been with me for a long time and I consistently count on them to catch me as I proceed to flail some more.
As some of you may know, Kaiya has been out for almost 18 months now, but thanks to the efforts of some amazing people who finally figured out what was wrong with her arm/entire body she is back. And stronger than ever I might add. She recently completed the first female ascent of Tots, a super technical mantle crux highball boulder in Riggins. The video of the actual send is pretty bad, but I saved it for JE, and Kaiya and I will take some time next trip up to shoot some better video for the blog. For now, here is a photo of her, back in action on Flows on top of Flows at Reynolds Creek Idaho.
Just this past weekend we were able to make it up to Riggins for a day to try and send some lingering projects (Kaiya is in the process of putting together a Monster Epic post for shits and giggles) and to show some Boise transplants where the good rock is. Adam Bradley and his girlfriend Nicole who is recovering from a broken hand, but still braved the cold, came up to join us. Here is Adam sending LaFawnduh, on the Napoleon boulder. Bullet beachfront granite anyone?
In addition to climbing and running the Front Boise I have been trying to finish up school at 15 credits of math, chemistry and geology classes now. Both Kaiya and I are busy from about 7 am through the day until we crash around 10 at night. Nothing like the days of the road where all the worries were what amazing lines we were going to climb on the next day.
Speaking of the road, we just made it down to LA this weekend to watch Darryl Dodson marry his longtime girlfriend and highschool sweetheart Claire Hayati. It was super fun and we got to meet some really cool climbers from the SoCal area. Being back around Darryl made me realize how great climbing is, when we could sit and talk about rock climbing for hours with no boring awkward time where there was nothing to say. Being passionate about something is essential to life. Climbing just happens to be what I am passionate about.
Here is a short video of a couple of problems from Riggins. Kaiya finally sent Tots and I decided that the footage of the actual send is more important than something I could cut together and make it look great. For now you will have to suffer through the crap video quality, but if you had been in Riggins when she finally topped that boulder you would know how special it really was! Enjoy!
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